Effect of a pandemic on the resilience of Brazilian frontline doctors


  • Vitor Machado Benincá
  • Louyze Souzbach
  • Silvio Bianco Consolaro
  • Alexandra Ioppi Zugno




Pandemics, Covid-19, Resilience, psychological


Objective: To analyze the resilience capacity of Brazilian doctors and, consequently, their impacts due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: Prospective cohort study, analyzed at the time of the highest number of cases in the general population
and the greatest demand for health services due to respiratory complaints (July to October 2021) and compared to a period of falling cases and greater control of the pandemic (September to October 2022). Data collection was carried out using a virtual questionnaire, and the data were computed using the Bioestat software version 5.0. The parameters used were
mean difference and standard deviation of burnout syndrome levels. Results: Participants were, on average, 38 and a half
years old, 62% were women and, among them, 55% were married. Most consumed alcohol regularly during the week and had an average career length of 12.4 years. A third were associated with a type of psychiatric illness (such as depression and anxiety), and 30% had lost a family member to Covid-19. Thus, according to the changes seen in relation to resilience from one year to the next, a loss of resilience capacity was demonstrated in the post-pandemic period.Conclusion: The
resilience of Brazilian doctors is similar to that of colleagues from other parts of the world. However, the pandemic was an independent factor in worsening capacity.


Coronavírus Brasil. Painel Coronavírus. 2021 citado 2024 Jun 3].

Disponível em: https://covid.saude.gov.br/

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How to Cite

Machado Benincá, V., Souzbach, L. ., Bianco Consolaro, S. ., & Ioppi Zugno, A. . (2024). Effect of a pandemic on the resilience of Brazilian frontline doctors. Brazilian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.54143/jbmede.v4i2.205