Manuscripts evaluation

Manuscripts to be evaluated for publication in this journal must be sent through the OJS system, at the address, by clicking on the Submit Submission button. Manuscripts sent by e-mail are not accepted for evaluation, unless there has been an invitation from the editors to do so.

Immediately after submission, it is verified if the general rules for the preparation of the manuscript have been followed and if it is complete. If no elements are missing or have not followed the editorial rules, they are immediately returned to the authors for adjustments.

The manuscripts are analyzed by one of the journal's editors, who directs them to peer review – at least two reviewers perform this review. If there is disagreement between the two initial reviewers, a new review may be requested for editorial decision. Afterwards, if necessary, the manuscripts are forwarded to the author, for the requested corrections, and returned to the reviewers, who check if the modifications met the initial requests or if there will still be a demand for new adjustments. Thus, the manuscript is returned to the editor, who accepts or rejects it and communicates its decision to the authors. The entire procedure takes place via the system.