General items of the manuscript
The presentation page must contain the title of the manuscript; authorship, linkage, and orcid of each author; the name of the corresponding author with e-mail; and an indication of the existence or not of a source of funding and conflict of interest. If any author does not have orcid, register at (will not be published without).
The authorship of the manuscripts consists of the effective participation in the items of the contribution of the authors: conception and design of the study; data collection; data interpretation; composition of the text and approval of the final version to be published. All authors should ensure that issues related to the accuracy or integrity of the work are investigated and determined. Entries that do not meet the contribution criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments item. The inclusion or exclusion of authors' names during the review process can only be done after approval by the editor and upon the signature the consent of all authors. Such changes are not allowed after the approval of the article.
The binding institution to be published consists of the one to which the work must be attributed/credited.
The title of the manuscripts must be up to 20 words long and be submitted in Portuguese and English.
For original articles, Review for the Emergency Physician, Review Articles, and Case Reports, the presentation page must also include the abstract in Portuguese and English, with up to 250 words, and be sent in Portuguese and English. Original Articles should have the abstract structured in objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
The author should select from three to five descriptors of the Health Sciences Descriptors (
Illustrations, such as charts, photographs, exam images, etc., are considered figures and should be numbered with Arabic numerals. All should be with the title and mention the source. If it has been prepared by the authors of the manuscript, indicate "Source: prepared by the authors". If it has been removed from any other manuscript, even if of the same authorship, send the authorization for publication from the copyright holder. Illustrations composed of more than one image should use letters (A, B, C etc.) to identify them, and the title should describe part by part of image.
Photographs must be submitted in the original color and scanned in .jpg or .tiff format with at least 300 dpi.
The author is responsible for the accuracy and pertinence of the references listed at the end of the manuscript.
Citations should be identified with superscript Arabic numerals in ascending order, in the body of the text, according to the Vancouver Standards prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). It is requested not to cite as references personal communications, abstracts, and oral presentations at congresses, as they cannot be retrieved by readers.