Fatores associados a quedas em idosos socorridos pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU 192





Idoso, Acidentes por quedas, Serviços Médicos de Emergência


Falling is the major traumatic event in the geriatric population. Objective: Verifying the prevalence and the factors associated with falls in elderly people rescued by SAMU. Method: Cross-sectional study with retrospective collection of information from 861 elderly patients of a systematic sample of Pre-Hospital Service Occurrence Reports from the Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU 192) – in the state of Espírito Santo, in 2015. The collected information were: age, gender, region of residence and about the attendance (period of the week, shift of request, presumed severity by Regulatory Physician, actual severity calculated by q-Sofa, sent resource, and occurrence outcome). There were performed Chi-square test and Chi-square residue. Results: The prevalence of falls was 14.6%, being more common the fall from own height (78.6%). Most victims were between 60 and 79 years old (65.7%), female (51.7%), attended during the week (71.9%), during the day shift (63.5%), at the region of Vitoria, categorized as yellow (57,1%), had a greater risk (51,3%), received assistance from Basic Support (74,6%), and were transported to a health service (71,4%). The factors associated with falling (p<0,001) were yellow classification, lower risk of real severity, dispatch of the Basic Support, and transport at the end of the attendance. Conclusion: The prevalence of falls was 14.6%. the profile of elderly victims of falls proved to be identical to those who were treated for any other causes. However, behaved as factors associated with falling: lower risk of real severity, presumed yellow severity, dispatch of the Basic Support and transport to health services.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro da Silva, T. K. ., dos Reis Martins, I., Amaral dos Santos, J. P., França Vieira, L., Duarte Neto, C., & Carrupt Machado Sogame, L. (2022). Fatores associados a quedas em idosos socorridos pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU 192. Brazilian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1(3), e21021. https://doi.org/10.54143/jbmede.v1i3.49



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